How To Limit Your Kids’ Screen Time


Too much of TV viewing can be detrimental to your kid’s psychological as well as physical health. While if your child hasn’t seen his third summers yet, let his gaze be away from the screen for all times, and even for children above the age of 2, screen time should be limited to two hours or less a day.

Studies have outlined many hazardous outcomes of excessive TV viewing or sitting in front of the computer screen for hours. Few of them are listed below:


  • Obesity
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Weak eyesight
  • Behavioral Problems
  • Bad impact on Academics
  • Degeneration of moral values.
  • Weak eyesight


Being well-aware of all this, and still not monitoring and limiting their screen time, would be a mistake that can cost you dearly. So what to do?

Here are a few tips that will come in handy in reducing your child’s TV viewing to a great extent-


1. First and Foremost, Keep the Idiot Box out of your child’s bedroom.


2. Do not keep the T.V. In the dining area, and don’t let your child eat in front of the T.V.




3. To prevent children from viewing content that is not appropriate, keep parental locks on certain channel.


4. Set Family T.V. Viewing Rules wherein, the entire family is supposed to sit together and watch television together and for a set period of time.


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5. Children most often imitate adults. If you are stuck to the couch all day long with eyes set on T.V., your child will demand to do the same. Set good example.


Woman pointing television remote


6. Eliminate any background distraction. It means, even if the child is not actively watching anything, and the T.V. Is turned on, the noise will surely catch his attention. So don’t keep the television on unless anyone’s watching.


7. At the time the kid is studying, make sure no one switches on the television and break his focus. To prevent your child becoming a couch potato, even other family members need to compromise.


little tired boy sitting at a desk and holding hands to head horizontal

8. Don’t use force to stop your kid from turning on the television. Kids are tempted to do what they are forced not to do. Instead be gentle and tactically engage him/her in another activity.


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9. Encourage your child to develop a hobby and regularly go out to play, most often addiction to T.V. Is due to the fact that the child has nothing else to do.




10. Last of all, monitor what your child is viewing, if he/she is inclined towards violent or adult content, have a open discussion and make him/ understand why it is not healthy for the child to view such shows.

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